About Us
One of the leading hospitals in Coimbatore providing innovative, advanced, trustworthy and accessible care at affordable cost.We take immense pride and pleasure to have served our community with the best care available in the world for the past 35 years and in continuing to do the same with the imprimatur of our many thousand patients.We have always had patient’s care and comfort as our utmost priority.
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We have perennially provided the most advanced medical, surgical and other allied health care services available at its period par excellence to our patients. Over the years, Ashwin hospital has also facilitated underpriviledged patients to the best care.
Ashwin Comprehensive Cancer Centre
Screening, early diagnosis and treating cancers have always been the primary work ethic of Ashwin hospital for more than 35 years now. In pursuit of our commitment towards excellence, we were the second hospital in Coimbatore to start the radiotherapy facility. To catalyze this more, we initiated a comprehensive cancer centre in 2003, for our patients to access every best available treatment options under one roof. We have successfully treated many thousands of patients over this period.
We execute expert treatment for all cancers and for all age groups with the latest protocols. Our ace team involving various surgeons, oncologists, physicians and nutritionists provide dextrous treatment, follow up and care.Our patients undergo treatment by not just surgery but also by various non surgical modalities like chemotherapy, brachytherapy and radiotherapy. LINAC, the most advanced radiotherapy technology of the present era is now available for you at Ashwin hospital, one among the very few hospitals to have this machine in India.
Various camps are conducted constantly in and around coimbatore to educate the patients and also to aid them in screening and early diagnosis.

